Enjoy Summer Fun for the Family at Sunny Willow

Call me nostalgic. As a working mother of three, sometimes I just crave the simplicity and innocent fun that can only come with summer. My daughters are natural mermaids so I knew we needed something more than the occasional swim lesson. As luck would have it, we found a pool right next door to their elementary school, and we couldn’t be happier. We have and continue to make great memories at Sunny Willow Swim Club.

They get exercise during the summer! Yes, it’s true. The kids have ample room to get out and stretch their legs, shoot some hoops and burn off energy. And for those that enjoy the comradery and a little spirited competition, there’s the swim and dive team. Of course, it’s not always about winning. There’s nothing quite like seeing a young Sunny Willow Gator take his or her first leap off a diving block and swimming their heart out to get to the end of the pool. It will make your heart smile.

They develop friendships and fond memories. Before you know it, kids have passed their band test and are having diving and jump competitions off the diving board with others. Even in milder temperatures, you’ll find the kids creating a new game or dance in the pool. It is a safe place for them to socialize (in real life), shoot hoops or just enjoy some laughs over ping pong.

They enjoy the spirit of a community. Sunny Willow is a family-friendly atmosphere with something for everyone – whether its Tube Night, Cupcake Wars, Adult Night or Water Aerobics. You know how people always gravitate and hang out in the kitchen during a gathering or party?  The swimming pool is the gravitational center of summer. It’s our “kitchen” during those dog days where we can enjoy family, friends, food, laughter, exercise and innocent fun.

Of course, the kids will say the best part is the snack bar, but to us parents, it is the fact that they put their screens and devices down.

Stop by and enjoy Sunny Willow with us one day. http://www.SunnyWillow.com