Why Is Service Always Included as the Keystone to Happiness?

service happiness

The question: When a child does something fun and easy that is designed to help another, which of the following is true? a) adds to the child’s sense of being a valuable part of a community; b) increases the child’s self confidence; c) expands the child’s perspective; d) teaches humility; e) teaches a child that […]

Kids Chores: How to Encourage Kids to Pitch In at Home

kids dishes

We are all in this together, and as a family we have never spent more consecutive months together in recent recollection. And, when it comes to chores, kids can help, too! Like every other family on the block, we have made adjustments, come to respect one another’s space, and learned that everyone needs to pitch […]

How To Keep Remote Learners Motivated and Happy

remote learning

At this juncture in the school year, every parent deserves a gold star. Unless you were already homeschooling your children, this is not what you signed on for…so give yourself, and your kids, a break. Until the official end, until it is truly over and graduations and moving-up ceremonies have taken place, we still need […]

How to Brighten Someone’s Day: Send Some Snail Mail

One of my favorite holiday traditions is sending cards to friends and family both near and far. In return, each day brings extra excitement and expectation as bright colored envelopes also fill our mailbox for several weeks before Christmas. It is fun to see how college friends’ children have grown, what exciting places our peers […]

Best Places for Families to Go Snow Tubing

At ski resorts in the Philadelphia area, winter is prime time for family fun. But you don’t have to strap on skis or even brave the cold to have a great time on the mountain. Snow tubing is an awesome choice for families who want an alternative to skiing and snowboarding, and many resorts offer […]

How to Plan for a Sensational Summer Camp Experience

Summer Camp

It is a new year and we are moving into a fresh start with a brand new attitude, so as you forge ahead, begin to plan for the warmer months for your offspring. They are going to want – no, they will crave – time away at camp, whether it is a day camp for […]

Best Mountains for Family Skiing and Lessons Near Philadelphia

Looking for family skiing options? When winter hits the Northeast, lots of Philadelphia area families are itching to hit the slopes. Skiing is a great way to get outdoors with your family and embrace the winter weather in a fun, active way. Fortunately, the Philadelphia area has lots of great options within an hour or […]

8 Cook-All-Day Slow Cooker Meals

Nothing beats a crockpot recipe that can cook all day and be ready whenever you need it. These 8 easy recipes can be assembled in the morning and be served at a flexible, TBD dinner time. All while making your home smell mouth-wateringly delicious! Life is hectic! But, you didn’t need me to tell you […]

Where to Find Magical Holiday Lights This Special Season

Tinseltown Lights

It is the most magical time of the year, and there is no better way to immerse yourself in the wonder of the holiday season than to discover the perfect place – or places – to enjoy the fantastic light displays that are popping up throughout the region. There is nothing quite like standing in […]

How to Create an Adventurous Staycation for Your Family

Urban Air Willow Grove

With the weather changing and daylight decreasing, we find ourselves looking for new activities to keep our kids – and ourselves – entertained. There is the need to get out and be out yet we do not want to venture too far from home. We crave an adventure, so let’s get creative. Think of it […]

Crockpot Connections – A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving

Here we go again… another season is rolling around and we are still stuck inside and our upside-down world has not yet righted itself.  It has been suggested that we keep our Thanksgiving celebrations smaller than usual.  This can mean anything from having to cook dishes you usually assign to others, to having to make […]

How to Create a Fantastic Field Trip for Your Family

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Remember the excitement your children get when they know they are going on a field trip? Bouncing around the house with eager anticipation, smiles lighting up the room, chattering nonstop about the sights they are going to see. It is difficult for them to contain themselves as they anticipate a day away from the routine […]